Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sticks and Stones!

I typically don't play much sticks and stones but I know plenty of people that like it. My favorite wager match is gun game but this is my second favorite. This isn't my own video but I have plenty of good moments. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gun Game!

Gun game is my favorite type of Wager Match and I am pretty good at it honestly. In case you don't know what gun game is, I will leave a quick video below. Gun Game features many types of guns including snipers,rpg, and even crossbows!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drop Shot

I think the drop shot is the most useful type of shot in the game. It works so well at close quarters and throws the enemy off from distance. If you are not familiar with the drop shot, it is where you go prone by hitting the circle button (0) on your PS3. I don't know what it is on the xbox but i am sure its in the same spot as a ps3 controller. You go prone while shooting and it makes it extremely hard for enemies to follow you with their aim and take you down. Try it some time and once you get good, I promise it will be a great technique to add to your game!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


As you know, some people aren't as skilled at Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops as they would like to be. Because of these people, we have lots of fails to laugh about. Its pretty easy to fail and I am sure we have all had our moments. I will show you a video to hopefully give you a good laugh and show you how NOT to play Call of Duty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Black Ops -Sub Machine Guns

I myself do not use many sub machine guns in Black Ops. The only gun I have used that is a Sub machine gun is the AK47u, this is a really popular gun amongst alot of gamers. I don't use this gun often so I don't know much about it. The other sub machine guns, I have never used include the skorpion, mac11, uzi, pm63, mpl, spectre, and kiparis. I wouldn't recommend using submachine guns in many game modes besides free-for-all or a game at a small map. My favorite guns are typically assault rifles.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spawn Trapping

Spawn trapping is a very effective technique to use especially if the other team is weak. Spawn trapping is pretty much preventing the other team from getting out of there spawn. If you and your teammates are able to do this, you will most likely get loads of kills! The best game mode to spawn trap on is definitley Demolition. Demoliton is the best because the spawns don't change like they do in team death match and Headquarters. So give it a try and see how it works!

Cool Features In Black Ops

There are some cool features in Black Ops. My favorite of these is the RC-XD cars and how there are able to go through secret spots on some maps. RC-XD cars are explosive cars that can be controlled by the player and are a form of a killstreak. Some maps have small tunnels in walls or fences that can help you take a short cut through the map. I will post a video so you can see what I mean.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Emblems and Titles

As all of you know, there are many emblems and titles you can make or create in Black Ops. Some are funny, others are superheroes, and some are even the names of the gamer. I like the fact that you can customize your title and emblem in Black Ops and it is a very fun feature to mess with. My emblem right now is Mike Wazowski from the cartoon movie Monsters Inc. There are many videos on YouTube that show you a tutorial on how to make some emblems. For and example I will post a video of how to make Mike Wazowski your emblem. Before I had Mike Wazowski as my emblem, I had a Taco Bell emblem which looked really cool and before that I had a PokeBall. Feel free to give me some ideas on emblems. Enjoy the video below! :)

Killstreaks in Black Ops

In Black Ops there are many killstreaks to choose from. I tend to use a spy plane, napalm strike, and attack helicopter. However if I am in an easy lobby or i am playing good I use napalm strike, attack helicopter, and chopper gunner. I like using smaller killstreaks becuase they seem to help me raise me KD which is currently at 1.77. I haven't tried many killstreaks, I am just giving you a couple of suggestions. You can certainly give me some suggestions or comment on killstreak awards that you think are better for improving you KD. Thanks! and remeber to follow me.

Classes in Black Ops

In Black Ops, I still have not found the perfect class but I think I have come close. I would have to say that my Top 5 guns are all assault rifles and one submachine gun.
#1-Commando, This gun is so steady and accurate! I think it is the most popular gun and favorite amongst my friends and I. However, you unlock the Commando at level 45, so it takes a while to get it. But once you do, be sure to use it!
#2-Galil, this may be surprising to you but it is truely a good gun. It has steady aim, great accuracy from long range and close range and is pretty mobile. If you haven't tried it already give it a try!
#3-AK-47, The AK is a good assault rifle and fun to use. The AK doesn't have a big recoil like it did in MW2 so you should like it! It is also very effective and close range and pretty decent from long distances.
#4-AK47u- This is the submachine gun version of the AK and it is even more effective and close ranges so I tend to use it at smaller maps. Its long range shot isn't to bad either. Overall, a great gun to use that is probably on the top of some other lists.
#5-Famas- This gun is a better gun than in MW2 for sure. It is an assault rifle and is pretty decent. It is hard to hit targets far away but it is still a great gun. The best part about it is that it  is unlock at level 14 so you don't have to wait to long to get it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quickscoping On Demoliton

Quickscoping or sniping in any style on the Demoliton game mode in Modern Warfare 2 is probably my favorite. I like demolition because the spawns are the same meaning you respawn or come back to life in the same area. This also means that the enemies respawn in their "spawn area" so if you are able to snipe into their spawn area, you will mostly likely do pretty well! A tactital insertion is a great piece of equipment to use for this. A tatctical insertion allows you to choose where you will respawn next. I prefer using tactical insertions or claymores on my sniping class or sometimes even a throwing knife.

My evaluation

As I have previously stated, I prefer Modern Warfare 2 over Blacks Ops due to many reasons. Frist off, the quickscoping and sniping isn't as fun for me in Black Ops. Also, the killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2 are seemingly more effective and can be earned with help from prior killstreaks. In Black Ops, you have to get all killstreaks with only your gun. The guns in Modern Warfare 2 are also more appealing to me, my favorite being the ACR when I am not sniping with the Intervention. However, I do like the emblem and title set up of Black Ops alot more. Black Ops also has more features like "file sharing" and extra equipments. Leave your evaluation of the two games and remeber to follow!

Quickscope with WA2000?

Anybody out there quickscope with WA2000? It may not be common but it is definitely possible. It took me awhile to get a decent montage for this gun from YouTube so I hope you like it. Comment or tell me if you have a quickscoping montage, I would love to check it out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Black Ops Quickscoping

Lets take a look at a quickscope montage from the lastest Call of Duty, Black Ops. Compare the quickscoping from Black Ops to Modern Warfare 2. It is pretty obvious that the styles of quickscoping differ betweeen the games. I prefer Modern Warfare 2 better but let me know what you think and enjoy the video above! :)

Black Ops Vs. Modern Warfare 2

I like Modern Warfare 2 much more than Black Ops for many reasons. For instance, YOU CAN ACTUALLY QUICKSCOPE ON MODERN WARFARE 2! The fact that you can barely quickscope on Black Ops makes a huge difference to me. Quickscoping is one of the coolest things you can do on Call of Duty and now it is completely different. Also I don't like the killstreaks and how they work as much in Black Ops. Let me know what game you like better and why!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another Trick Shot

This is one of the coolest looking quickscopes, it is the throwing knife quickscope shot. I don"t really know how to describe it other than it is a quickscope with a throwing knife mixed in at the end! This tutorial with help you out for sure.. check it out!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Possibly the Best Quickscope Montage Of All Time?

I great collection of gameplay and some creative editing makes this montage very popular. This is one of many montages by this clan and its my favorite of them. Comment and let me know what you think.... Even post a link to your montages to see if you can better this :)

Ladder Stall Quickscope

 As you can see he uses the ladder to stall in mid-air and take out and enemy. Just another shot that you utilize while playing Modern Warfare 2.